Dr. Cindy Elliott is the owner of Skinspirations as well as the clinician training facility, ExpertEsthetics. She’s taught her advanced esthetic injectable and laser techniques to over 250 clinicians. That means it’s likely that if you’ve had a treatment in Tampa Bay, the provider who did it was trained by Dr. Elliott.
Background and experience
Dr. Elliott has practiced in the Tampa Bay area since 1990. Originally board-certified in emergency medicine, she spent fifteen years in the emergency departments of local trauma centers and was an Associate Professor for the University of South Florida College of Medicine.

In 2005, after two years of esthetic training with her dermatologist, she opened Skinspirations, a practice devoted exclusively to aesthetic and regenerative medicine. Dr. Elliott’s passion is using regenerative techniques to solve her patients’ problems.
Esthetic Company Speaker and Trainer
In 2007, because of her reputation for achieving dramatic esthetic results, Dr. Elliott was chosen to be a national speaker and trainer for several aesthetic product companies including Allergan, (the makers of Botox and Juvederm), Suneva Medical (producers of Bellafill), and Cutera Aesthetic lasers. Her company, ExpertEsthetics, provides clinician workshops and has trained over 250 clinicians in both the U.S. and the Caribbean.

You can view some of Dr. Elliott’s injection instruction videos on Youtube.
Affiliations and Memberships
Dr. Elliott has served as an Expert Witness for the Florida Board of Medicine, is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, the Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation, and is a Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.
Most Gratifying Treatment Experiences
Dr. Elliott lists two patients whose treatments have so far provided the most gratifying results in her career.
Per Dr. Elliott:
I treated a man who had about a third of one of his fingers accidentally amputated while I was on vacation in Irian Jaya, Indonesia (the west side of New Guinea). He walked three hours through the jungle to find me because he knew I was an emergency physician. He’d wrapped the amputated part of the finger in leaves and had it in his pocket.
Just before we lost the light from the sun I used a Leatherman tool with injectable anesthetic and a disposable suture kit I had brought to cut off the protruding bone and reattach the pad of his amputated finger over the stump (thank you for my excellent training, Denver General). I gave him the last antibiotic pills I’d brought and when I returned to his village 3 days later to catch the missionary plane back to Jakarta, his finger was healing without any signs of infection.

The other most gratifying treatment was for a woman who had previously been hit by a car, shattering the bone around one of her eyes, and she’d developed terrible scarring from the surgery to repair it. The scars were progressively pulling her lids together which was affecting her vision and her balance, as well as causing her to look disfigured.
The surgeons she saw told her that further surgery wouldn’t help and that she had no other treatment options.
Using a metal intra-ocular shield to protect her eye and an erbium ablative laser, I separated the scar to reopen her eye and treated the scarring underneath. I injected medication into the separated edges of the scar to prevent them from sealing back together.
Within a few months after her second treatment, it was almost impossible to see her scars and her vision and balance were normal.
Cindy Elliott can sometimes be more fun, especially in her own mind, than the above content implies. Her proudest achievements are being named “the funniest emergency physician” by her revered mentor, John Marx, MD, and being voted “Funniest Graduate” at her junior high school graduation.
As she told her parents at the junior high graduation, “Anyone can win most likely to succeed”.

Dr. Elliott lives in Clearwater Beach with her spousal equivalent, Rick, and 4 rescue cats, all of whom are neutered. For fun, she enjoys boating, scuba diving, snow skiing, watching horror movies, preparing the next year’s Halloween props, growing mushrooms, and inventing medical products made from fungus. Seriously.
Feel free to email (or report) Dr. Elliott at dr@skinspirations.com.