Pigment Problems Or Redness

Pigment Problems Or Redness

Skin of every color can develop problems with pigment or redness due to chronic sun exposure, hormones, genetics, or medical skin disorders.  Brown spots that are darker than the surrounding skin are often a result of chronic sun exposure and may develop many years after someone starts using sunscreen. Hormonal influences play an important role…

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Sun Damage

Sun Damage

Remember those years when you spent hours working on your tan? If you’re a certain age, you remember using baby oil and iodine with an SPF of 0. Now years later it becomes time to pay the piper, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get rid of sun damage that shows…

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Sagging Skin

Sagging Skin

  Treatment Options to Tighten or Lift Sagging Skin When you look in a mirror, do you have an urge to push the skin up on the sides of your face or neck because just that little push makes you look younger? Gravity is usually blamed when skin starts to sag but the cause is…

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Does it seem like you were going along thinking you didn’t have many wrinkles when suddenly, one night, the Geezer Fairy paid a visit? You woke up and there were lines and wrinkles that weren’t there when you went to bed. Depending on your genes, facial animation, skin type, lifestyle and history of sun exposure,…

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